Earn an American High School Diploma and Scholarship

Our program supports international students in obtaining scholarships and financial aid for studying in public and private schools in the USA. Upon successful completion, students will receive an American high school diploma.
The student visa for high school students has a high approval rate and priority during the interview process ⟩⟩
A choice is offered between public and private schools for education ⟩⟩
Scholarships based on academic performance, country of citizenship, and athletic and social achievements ⟩⟩
Students can choose to stay with host families, in family camps, or in school dormitories ⟩⟩
Students can choose to stay with host families, in family camps, or in school dormitories ⟩⟩
The program includes high school education from one to four years in one or multiple schools ⟩⟩
Join Our Program!
Find out the requirements and embark on an amazing adventure with us. The opportunity to change your life is here
Get a scholarship and make your education more affordable. It's a chance to gain unique skills and make lifelong friends from around the world
An American school will help you focus on your studies and build an educational path that meets both your personal and professional goals
Studying at an American school is not just about gaining knowledge; it's also a chance to meet mentors, new friends, and potential business partners who can influence your career
You Have the Chance to Join Us!
Learn the details and seize the opportunity to be a part of our program. Start your journey with us now
Participant Requirements
  • We invite high school students planning to graduate and pursue further education in the USA to join our program.
  • Successful adaptation in a new country requires motivation, curiosity, openness, and good academic performance.
  • The program offers the opportunity to study for one to four years, leading to a High School Diploma after the 12th grade. Students will also receive quality preparation for university or college admission alongside their American peers.
  • Participation is open to students who are proficient in English as well as those who need help improving their language skills.
  • The American school will assist in enhancing English proficiency before starting core academic subjects.
Schooling Conditions
  • With a High School Diploma and valuable learning experience in the USA, international students become more competitive.
  • With excellent grades and a rich portfolio, they can continue their studies at desired institutions under favorable conditions, including free tuition.
  • Students are placed in public or private schools depending on the chosen program and preferences
Housing Conditions
  • International students are placed with carefully selected and vetted American families, known as Host Families.
  • Hosting international students is a voluntary activity for these families, meaning they receive no monetary or other compensation. For host families, the exchange program offers an international experience and a form of passive travel.
  • An American family welcomes an international student into their home as a member of their family.
  • Accommodation includes both living and meals. If a student lives on campus, they eat in the school cafeteria. If they live with a host or international family, they eat with the family and can have breakfast and lunch in the school cafeteria.
  • It is important to recognize that American families are very diverse in their composition, ethnic backgrounds, religious beliefs, and income levels. The program cannot accommodate placement requests based on any form of discrimination.
Program VISA
  • The F-1 visa is a student visa for international students wishing to study at accredited institutions in the USA, such as schools, colleges, and universities, without intending to immigrate or reside permanently.
  • This visa is issued to students enrolled in accredited public or private institutions. F-1 visas are more frequently granted to high school students due to the support of educational programs by the USA.
  • The F-1 visa allows study only at accredited institutions. For high school students, this includes both public and private schools. Notably, the F-1 visa permits up to one year of study in public schools, while private schools do not have such a limitation.
  • The F-1 visa can be extended if the student maintains F-1 status and continues their education. A new I-20 form is required if transferring to a different institution.
  • F-1 students can work on-campus up to 20 hours per week during the school year and full-time during breaks. Off-campus work is allowed only in exceptional cases with permission from the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).
  • The program assists in selecting a consulate, preparing documents, and scheduling the interview. A preparatory training session is provided before the interview.
  • The F-1 visa is not issued to those who do not plan to complete their education or intend to stay in the USA permanently.
  • Additionally, those with serious criminal records or immigration law violations may be denied a visa.
Program Cost
  • Payment is made in several stages, depending on the start date and duration of the chosen program. The required amount must be paid in US dollars via SWIFT transfer or credit card.
  • The option to choose convenient payment methods and determine the total number of payments is provided during program registration.
  • The basic set of services included in the cost remains the same regardless of the program's duration
Types of Schools:
  • Academic Year:
  • The program lasts 10 months, from September to June.
  • Education takes place in public schools with accommodation in a host family, international family, or school dormitory.
  • This format is perfect for students who want to fully immerse themselves in American culture, participate in national holidays, learn a new education system, and prepare for admission to American universities.
  • The program helps obtain an American high school diploma and make English your second native language.
  • Enrollment for the high school program is open for up to 11 months, from October 1 to August 30, or until all spots are filled.
  • The program lasts 10 months, from September to June.
  • Education takes place in public schools with accommodation in school dormitory.
  • This format is perfect for students who want to fully immerse themselves in American culture, participate in national holidays, learn a new education system, and prepare for admission to American universities.
  • The program helps obtain an American high school diploma and make English your second native language
  • Enrollment for the high school program is open for up to 11 months, from October 1 to August 30, or until all spots are filled.